2023 RiverFest Events
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Family Fishing & Festivities at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

Saturday, July 29, 10:00 am
Join us for a fun-filled day of hands-on activities. Bring a picnic to enjoy overlooking the beautiful Sudbury River. Rain (some activities only) or shine at the Refuge Headquarters. 73 Weir Hill Rd. For information call 978-443-4661.
***Because of hazardous weather conditions (heat advisory, thunderstorms and heavy rain) we are canceling the fishing and archery events. All other activities, including Snake Man, will be held indoors in the Refuge Headquarters. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing you!***

Calling All Anglers
Saturday, July 29, 10:00 am – 2:00pm
CANCELED because of severe weather and a heat advisory. Beginners and experience anglers come join MassWildlife’s Angler Education Program to learn how to fish. All equipment will be provided free of charge.

Family Fun for Everyone
Saturday, July 29, 12:00 pm – 3:00pm
Archery, arts and crafts, and self-guided hikes on the accessible boardwalk trail to discover the variety of riverine habitats.
***Archery has been canceled due to a heat advisory and heavy rain/thunderstorms.
All other activities will be held indoors. See you there! ***

Who Lives in the Watershed

Saturday, July 29, 11:45 am – 2:45pm
Join Refuge Ranger Wilson to learn about local wildlife, how they depend on each other, and for an exploration of the prehistoric dragonfly.
This is one of our Junior River Ranger programs, designed for children 6-12. Explore and learn about our rivers with us or on your own and complete the Junior River Ranger Booklet to earn a Junior River Rangers badge and certificate.
***Ranger Wilson will hold the local wildlife program indoors. Macroinvertebrates/bugs and microscopes will be set up for all to examine. Weather permitting, he will take visitors to the river to collect samples!
The BIO team will sent up tables of plants to ID.
The Junior River Ranger booklets will be available! We look forward to seeing you!

Snakes of New England and the World
Saturday, July 29, 1:00 pm – 2:00pm
See a variety of local snakes close-up, and a few exotic ones too. Rick Roth, Director of the Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team, will bring some of his favorites and talk about their lives and habits.
***Snake Man will bring his snakes indoors! Join us for this exciting event.***
Location: Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge