Community Small Grants Program
The Community Small Grants Program was initiated in 2006 by the RSC. Its purpose is twofold: to support town efforts that help to protect and enhance river resources, and to strengthen relationships between the RSC and municipal entities which are on the front lines in protecting these resources. Any municipal entity (conservation commissions, historical commissions, libraries, schools, recreation departments, public works, etc.) is eligible, as well as community-based non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations. These include local land trusts, garden clubs, art associations, churches, watershed and neighborhood groups. Individuals interested in participating, should partner with one of these town entities or local organizations. Since 2010, there has been an added interest in using the arts to promote the rivers.
Contact the RSC if you would like to be placed on the Application Announcement distribution list.
Click here to download the 2024-2025 Community Grants Request for Proposals and Application.
A wide variety of projects have been supported through this program ranging from a water resource inventory, to invasive species management, trail enhancement, school programs, art murals, speaker series, and medical waste collection. See a listing of past projects.
River Stewardship Council sponsored sculpture as part of Framingham Centre Common Cultural District's "Many Cultures, One Heart" public art project.
River Ambassadors
The Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River Stewardship Council began their River Ambassador Program in 2022. The River Ambassadors, one year-round and one seasonal, work within the eight Wild and Scenic communities and beyond to provide a presence on and around the SuAsCo Wild and Scenic Rivers and promote stewardship and understanding of local riverine resources. They administer projects and activities related to the Wild & Scenic River designation, engage with the river users at popular access sites and on the water, and help monitor conditions on the rivers. Keep an eye out for the River Ambassadors on the river, at river access sites, and at community events!
River Ambassadors Elissa Brown and Ellie Sablak at a community tabling event.
River Stewardship Awards
The River Stewardship Council and the League of Women Voters jointly present River Stewardship Awards each year to individuals, groups, community organizations, employers or institutions that have demonstrated innovative thinking, creative solutions, extra effort and brave positions that have led to environmental health and preservation of the resources of the watershed. View a list of current and past recipients. Nominations are accepted from throughout the watershed, and no more than one award is given in any particular town. View the nomination form.
See the current Nomination Form and list of past River Stewardship Awards at the Concord-Carlisle League of Women Voters.
Concord-Carlisle League of Women Voters
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Mass. Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Ecological Restoration