2024 RiverFest Events
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Changes in Concord’s Bird Life from Thoreau’s Day to Today
Monday, July 15, 6:00pm
A colorful talk on what birds Henry saw versus today, presented by Peter Alden, author of the forward and scientific editor of the newly published “A Year of Birds”. Our grassland birds have become rare. A number of forest and marsh birds that used to nest here have vanished as breeders. Many southern species have come north due to a changing climate, bird feeders and a plethora of invasive plant fruits. Birds that were overhunted have come back big time. Henry never saw ravens, turkeys or turkey vultures let alone deer. What is the one bird Henry recorded often and is now extinct? Concord Public Library, 129 Main St.
This event registration has closed. (Sunday, July 14, 2024)
Location: Concord Public Library, 129 Main Street, Concord