2024 RiverFest Events
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The Birth, Death, & Rebirth of Stone’s Bridge, 1674–2024
Thursday, July 11, 7:00pm
The New Bridge, as it was known for more than a century, was built over the Sudbury River at the south end of town in 1674. It went on to help drive the British out of Boston, help found Framingham, and play host to Henry David Thoreau. In 1955 it died as a bridge, but was reborn as a monument and one of the most photographed sites in Wayland or Framingham. Tom Sciacca, Wayland’s Representative to the River Stewardship Council, tells the story. Attend in person or via Zoom. Register: https://bit.ly/stonesbridge. Wayland Library, 5 Concord Rd.
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07/11/2024 07:00 PM
07/11/2024 10:00 PM
The Birth, Death, & Rebirth of Stone’s Bridge, 1674–2024
Wayland Library, 5 Concord Rd., Wayland, MA
SuAsCo River Stewardship Council
Location: Wayland Library, 5 Concord Road, Wayland