2024 RiverFest Events

RiverFest Summer, 2024

Come, connect, and experience your local Wild and Scenic Rivers! A RiverFest Summer!

Enjoy free hikes, paddles, walks, and family fun during the month of July in this annual celebration of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River. Explore all the rivers have to offer, just west of Boston!

Be a Junior River Ranger this Summer!

Discover why our Wild & Scenic Rivers are special places! Get your copy of the SuAsCo River Ranger booklet and through your own explorations, earn a Junior River Ranger badge and certificate! As you learn about our rivers, think of ways you can help protect them!

Booklets and fun activities will be at the Old Manse on July 20, Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge on July 27, and at the Fowler Library in Concord. Email emma_lord@nps.gov or call 617-981-2116 to have your free booklet mailed to you. Designed for kids 6-12.