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Events From 2024-07-15 to 2024-07-21
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Changes in Concord’s Bird Life from Thoreau’s Day to Today
Monday, July 15, 6:00pm
A colorful talk on what birds Henry saw versus today, presented by Peter Alden, author of the forward and scientific editor of the newly published “A Year of Birds”. Our grassland birds have become rare. A number of forest and marsh birds that used to nest here have vanished as breeders. Many southern species have come north due to a changing climate, bird feeders and a plethora of invasive plant fruits. Birds that were overhunted have come back big time. Henry never saw ravens, turkeys or turkey vultures let alone deer. What is the one bird Henry recorded often and is now extinct? Concord Public Library, 129 Main St.
Registration for this event opens Monday, July 1, 2024. Please check back then to register!
Location: Concord Public Library, 129 Main Street, Concord

Birding the Lincoln’s Codman Conservation Land and Farm Meadow
Tuesday, July 16, 8:00am
Join Lincoln Conservation Director, Michele Grzenda, on a 2-hour birding stroll around Codman Estates, Farm Meadow and North Codman Conservation Area. Meet 25 bird species commonly found in our neighborhoods, wetlands, and forests, and learn various field identification techniques by sight and sound. Bring binoculars if you have them; long sleeve shirt and pants (for mosquitoes). bug spray, and water. Pre-registration required.
Registration for this event opens Monday, July 1, 2024. Please check back then to register!

Riverfest Storytime
Tuesday, July 16, 10:00am
Tuesday, July 16, 11:00am
Stories that celebrate our rivers! SuAsCo friends will show how you can care for our water. A river-themed craft will follow!
For children 5 and under. Fowler Library, 1322 Main St.
Location: Fowler Branch Library, 1322 Main Street, W Concord

Walk with Thoreau Along the Middlesex Canal
Saturday, July 20, 10:00am
Join experienced guide Marlies Henderson for a 3-hour exploration of extant portions of the Middlesex Canal, from the Billerica Falls to River Neck Rd, Chemlsford, and back, reading passages from Henry David Thoreau’s Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. High boots recommended. Pre-registration required.
Registration for this event opens Friday, July 5, 2024. Please check back then to register!

Yoga, Games, Art, and History at the Old Manse

Saturday, July 20, 10:00am – 4:00pm
Come to the riverbank by foot, or paddle, bring a picnic, and enjoy a day of entertainment at the historic Old Manse at 269 Monument St. Rain (some activities) or shine.

Plein Air Painting
Saturday, July 20, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Join or watch talented artists as they paint “En Plein Air” (French for painting outdoors) on the grounds of the Old Manse. Learn how painters ply their craft, ask questions and revel in the magic. For more information, contact .

Outdoor Yoga
Saturday, July 20, 10:30am – 11:30am
Join On the Mat for a yoga class with gorgeous views of the Concord River. Accessible for all ages and skill levels. Bring your own mat. If rain, the yoga will be held under a tent.

RiverFest Storytime
Saturday, July 20, 10:30am
Saturday, July 20, 11:30am
Stories on the grounds of the Old Manse that celebrate our rivers! A river-themed craft with the help of SuAsCO friends will follow! For children 5 and under.

North Bridge: History and Memory
Saturday, July 20, 11:00am
Learn about the momentous battle at Concord’s North Bridge, where the British Army suffered its first casualties of the war, and the legacy of this event in American History. Meet a Park Ranger at the benches by the North Bridge.

Who Lives in the River?
Saturday, July 20, 11:00am – 2:00pm
Join Mass Audubon Naturalists for a family-friendly, hands-on exploration of who lives in our rivers. Visit with native turtles and investigate river water as you learn about the unique lifecycles of the animals and insects that live in the water and depend on healthy river ecosystems to survive.

Family Games and Arts
Saturday, July 20, 11:00am – 2:00pm
Play old fashioned yard games in the lawn. Create your own turtle hats, make a colorful journal, and other environmentally friendly art projects with Art for All and Musketaquid Arts & Environment. Summer readers, don’t forget to grab your hidden River Dragon Egg trading card.

Exploration of our Rivers

Saturday, July 20, 11:30am – 2:00pm
Our rivers are special. Did you know that Native American tribes lived here? That the “shot heard round the world” was fired here? Pick up your own copy of the River Ranger book and begin exploring. Earn your Junior River Ranger badge and certificate. Designed for kids 6–12.

North Bridge: Battlefield Walk
Saturday, July 20, 2:00pm
At Concord’s North Bridge on April 19, 1775 soldiers on both sides made decisions that changed the course of history. Learn about the battle from the perspective of the participants. Along the way, the 18th century battlefield and landscape will be revealed as you walk in the footsteps of the minute men. Meet a ranger at North Bridge Visitor Center.

Garden and Meadow Pollinators by the River
Saturday, July 20, 3:00pm
Meet in front of the North Bridge Visitor Center for a guided walk through the Buttrick Gardens. Initially constructed in 1910 by the Buttrick family and conveyed to the National Park Service in the 1960s, the historic gardens and adjacent meadows contain an array of mid-summer pollinator plants. Learn more about plant characteristics that appeal to bees, butterflies, birds, and other species.
Bring binoculars and we will have some to share.

Paddle the Concord River
Saturday, July 20, 2:00pm
Enjoy this 3-hour easy flatwater paddle, with leader Marlies Henderson, from just below the Billerica Falls toward the Lowell Centenial dam, and back. Bring your own canoe/kayak and life jacket (required). Pre-registration required.
Registration for this event opens Friday, July 5, 2024. Please check back then to register!

Fairhaven Bay Nature Sunset Paddle
Saturday, July 20, 6:00pm
Join Lincoln Conservation Department Ranger Will Leona on a leisurely 2-hour sunset paddle along the scenic Sudbury River. See the river’s beautiful surroundings of nature and wildlife as the bustling daytime activity shifts to a quieter twilight setting. Learn about some of these animals and their differences in behavior such as diurnal, crepuscular, or nocturnal periods of activity. Sightings may include great blue herons, bald eagles, barred owls and racoons. Bring your own kayaks or canoes and life jacket (required), sunscreen and clothing/footwear that can get wet, bug spray and a snack and water. Pre-registration required.
Registration for this event opens Friday, July 5, 2024. Please check back then to register!

Sudbury Headwaters Walk
Sunday, July 21, 10:00am
Join the Framingham Conservation Commission for a 1.5-hour walk in grassy and wooded areas in the Cochituate Brook Reservation and along th Cochitual Rail Trail between Lake Cochituate and the Sudbury River. Meet at Reardon Park, across from 4 Maymont Dr. For more info, email .
Location: Reardon Park Framingham

Carlisle Trail Walk
Sunday, July 21, 1:00pm
Enjoy a 3.5 mile walk (~3 hours) through meadows and forests on trails paralleling the Concord River, starting at the Foss Farm conservation land and passing through Great Meadows Wildlife Refuge and the O’Rourke farm on the way to scenic Greenough Pond in the Greenough Conservation Land. Be prepared for wet conditions underfoot, bring drinking water and insect repellent. Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the walk. Dogs are not permitted in the Refuge. Meet at the Foss Farm parking lot, 0.3 mi west of the Concord River bridge on Rte. 225. For information, email Alan Ankers at .
Location: Foss Farm Parking Lot

Paddling the Upper Sudbury
Sunday, July 21, 1:00pm
Join the Framingham Conservation Commission for a 2-hour paddle up the Sudbury River through central Framingham to the Stearns Reservoir. Bring your own boat and life jacket (required) to the canoe launch at 5 Kellogg St. For more info, email .
Location: 5 Kellogg Street, Framingham

Come, connect, and experience your local Wild and Scenic Rivers! A RiverFest Summer!
Enjoy free hikes, paddles, walks, and family fun during the month of July in this annual celebration of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River. Explore all the rivers have to offer, just west of Boston!
Event Categories

Be a Junior River Ranger this Summer!
Discover why our Wild & Scenic Rivers are special places! Get your copy of the SuAsCo River Ranger booklet and through your own explorations, earn a Junior River Ranger badge and certificate! As you learn about our rivers, think of ways you can help protect them!
Booklets and fun activities will be at the Old Manse on July 20, Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge on July 27, and at the Fowler Library in Concord. Email or call 617-981-2116 to have your free booklet mailed to you. Designed for kids 6-12.
- Yoga, Games, Art, and History at the Old Manse
- River Lab
- Family Fishing & Festivities at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Events by Week
- July 1st – July 7th (4 events)
- July 8th – July 14th (9 events)
- July 15th – July 21st (9 events)
- July 22nd – July 28th (9 events)