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Events From 2024-07-08 to 2024-07-14
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Riverfest Storytime
Tuesday, July 9, 10:00am
Tuesday, July 9, 11:00am
Stories that celebrate our rivers! SuAsCo friends will show how you can care for our water. A river-themed craft will follow! For children 5 and under. Fowler Library, 1322 Main St.
Location: Fowler Branch Library, 1322 Main Street, W Concord

Paddle with OARS 3 Rivers
Wednesday, July 10, 4:30pm
Enjoy a leisurely scenic 2–3 hour paddle with OARS 3 Rivers and get a taste of our 3 Wild & Scenic designated rivers. Come alone, or bring your whole family. Take photos at many scenic spots, such as the North Bridge, several old stone bridges dating to the 1800’s, Dove Rock, Egg Rock, and more. Meet some of OARS 3 Rivers staff and board members. Bring your own paddle craft and life jacket (required), or rent from South Bridge Boathouse ($5 discount/boat). This paddle is for a wide range of paddlers — go at your own pace up to 5 miles. Details will be sent to registered participants. For more information: . Pre-registration is required.
Registration for this event opens Thursday, June 27, 2024. Please check back then to register!

The Birth, Death, & Rebirth of Stone’s Bridge, 1674–2024
Thursday, July 11, 7:00pm
The New Bridge, as it was known for more than a century, was built over the Sudbury River at the south end of town in 1674. It went on to help drive the British out of Boston, help found Framingham, and play host to Henry David Thoreau. In 1955 it died as a bridge, but was reborn as a monument and one of the most photographed sites in Wayland or Framingham. Tom Sciacca, Wayland’s Representative to the River Stewardship Council, tells the story. Attend in person or via Zoom. Register: Wayland Library, 5 Concord Rd.
Location: Wayland Library, 5 Concord Road, Wayland

Photo Walk at Heard Farm
Friday, July 12, 6:00pm
Join Wayland photographer Hendrik Broekman for a stroll around the 86 acre Heard Farm Conservation Area. Woods, open fields, wetlands, over 200 species of birds, and the Sudbury River shoreline make Heard Farm a remarkable place with over three miles of trails, many of them old cart paths. Hendrik will provide tips for successful photography with your camera/phone. All ages and abilities are welcome. Meet at the parking lot at the end of Heard Rd. off Pelham Island Rd. Questions: (508)-358-2980.
Registration for this event opens Saturday, June 29, 2024. Please check back then to register!
Location: Heard Farm, Heard Road, Wayland

Natural History of the Sudbury River Walk.
Sunday, July 14, 10:00am
Enjoy the wonderful vistas of the meandering Sudbury River at Weir Hill, Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge with Neela de Zoysa, botanist and instructor at the Native Plant Trust. Be introduced to the glacial sculpting of Weir Hill and the Native American history of the location. Learn about the floodplain trees, swamps of buttonbush and red maple, ferns, graminoids and other herbaceous species. The location has great observation platforms, and boardwalks for examining plants. Bring a packed lunch to enjoy after the 2-hour walk. Meet in the refuge at 73 Weir Hill Rd.
Due to wet conditions, this event has been postponed from Saturday to Sunday!
Registration for this event opens Sunday, June 30, 2024. Please check back then to register!
Location: Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, 73 Weir Hill Road, Sudbury

“You Too Can be a Naturalist”
Saturday, July 13, 10:00am
Join Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust on a journey of discovery of the floria and fuana that call the Concord River Greenway home. Explore the diverse array of wildflowers that grace our riverbanks, learning about their unique characteristics and ecological significance. Become a citizen scientist as we teach you how to use the free iNaturalist app to identify plants and animals. This leisurely 1.5-mile round-trip walk (1.5 hours) is suitable for all ages. Take your time to soak in the sights and sounds of nature, with plenty of opportunities to rest and recharge along the way.
Pre-registration at required.

Middlesex Canal Exhibits
Saturday, July 13, 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Sunday, July 14, 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Learn about the Middlesex Canal, the greatest work of its kind in the United States until the Erie Canal. Kayakers can take out above the Billerica Falls Dam at the canal entrance/parking lot at 2 Old Elm St. and walk part of the canal that Henry Thoreau traveled between the Merrimack and Concord Rivers. For children, a Lego® canal playground, a watered model lock and a scavenger hunt. Find the pigeon, squeezable beaver, muskrat and three mice. Free, Middlesex Canal Museum,
71 Faulkner St.

Saxonville History
Sunday, July 14, 2:00pm
Join the Framingham History Center for an immersive 75-minute walking tour of Saxonville as we explore the rich tapestry of its history, land, and waterways. This tour will shed light on the business, social, and civic life of this vibrant neighborhood while also delving into the natural features and waterways that helped shape this historic community and that of Framingham. Meet on the Central St. Bridge over the Saxonville Falls and Dam (across from the Saxonville Mills).
PLEASE NOTE: This event has been canceled because of high temperatures forecasted for Sunday afternoon. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration for this event opens Monday, July 1, 2024. Please check back then to register!
Location: Central Street Bridge over Saxonville Falls, Framingham

Come, connect, and experience your local Wild and Scenic Rivers! A RiverFest Summer!
Enjoy free hikes, paddles, walks, and family fun during the month of July in this annual celebration of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River. Explore all the rivers have to offer, just west of Boston!
Event Categories

Be a Junior River Ranger this Summer!
Discover why our Wild & Scenic Rivers are special places! Get your copy of the SuAsCo River Ranger booklet and through your own explorations, earn a Junior River Ranger badge and certificate! As you learn about our rivers, think of ways you can help protect them!
Booklets and fun activities will be at the Old Manse on July 20, Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge on July 27, and at the Fowler Library in Concord. Email or call 617-981-2116 to have your free booklet mailed to you. Designed for kids 6-12.
- Yoga, Games, Art, and History at the Old Manse
- River Lab
- Family Fishing & Festivities at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Events by Week
- July 1st – July 7th (4 events)
- July 8th – July 14th (9 events)
- July 15th – July 21st (9 events)
- July 22nd – July 28th (9 events)